A Study of Commonly Used Design Solutions for Green Roofs in Dhaka City and their Comparative Analysis

Although architects, landscape designers and building engineers have been designing and building green roofs in Dhaka, Bangladesh, there is a dearth of evidence based research regarding the best practices of setting design parameters, available solution types and performance. Based on the descriptive survey method, this study identifies three basic types of green roofs. The common construction and use related design parameters used by the local practitioners were identified. The three types of green roofs are compared on the basis of their performance against these design parameters. It was concluded that further research, proper policies and research based development in the practice is necessary to materialize the true potential of green roofs and roof top gardening in Dhaka which will address the UN sustainable development goals.

Researcher Details

Research Paper

A Study of Commonly Used Design Solutions for Green Roofs in Dhaka City and their Comparative Analysis


Sustainable farming

Researcher Name

Sujaul Khan

Organisation/ University



Full Time Faculty Assistant Professor. M.ARCH

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