Environmental index of energy consumption in buildings applied to parametric model design

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This work is part of a doctoral thesis about optimization of parametric bioclimatic design. We develop two bioclimatic indexes of heating and cooling for typical winter and summer days respectively, which are optimised by means of genetic algorithms (GA) [1]. The object is a high-rise building with multiple uses, located in a plot of urban land, which adequates to Buenos Aires City Environmental Code [2]. The efficient envelope fulfils the Law of Thermal Conditioning in Buildings for Buenos Aires City and IRAM Standards 11604 [3] and 11659/1-2 [4]. After parameterizing the building geometry, we introduce solar thermal loads, transmission loads and internal loads. We employ our own climatic data from the Laboratory: hourly solar radiation and temperature. Then, we run the program successive times in order to obtain a set of solutions, which have equivalent energy performance but different spatial configuration.

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