Colorfix – Clean textile dyes

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One big problem that affects Asia’s poor water quality is chemical pollution from the textile industry. As with all big issues, all it takes is a little thought to solve them. Enter Colorifix. It identified that the usual way to make textile dyes is water and chemical-intensive. So it came up with a crafty new clean and green way to do it. Using biologically-driven processes guided by nature, it develops dyes using fewer chemicals, energy and 10 times less water. Problem solved. Colorifix aims to cut the toxic chemicals and resource-intensive requirements of the dyeing industry by using microbes such as Cyanobacterium. The company is developing ways to engineer the microbes to produce dyes from waste products from the agricultural industry such as sugar molasses.

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Anirudh Sharma, founder of AIR-INK created “pollution-filled pens” that collect soot from the car exhausts. Then, the dangerous toxins are removed and raw carbon is left. It is then processed to make black ink and sold as a normal pen.

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