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AerBand Research is a wearable air pollution monitoring product designed for universities and institutions conducting research into air pollution and human health. It personal 24/7 indoor & outdoor air quality monitoring, Real-time exposure measurements via cloud, API, smartphone app and Monitor ozone and other gases to ppb levels

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Savvy Smart Mirror

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Savvy Smart Mirror is not just any mirror but doubles as a giant touchscreen. It can show you a weather report or the news, play music or connect you to Instagram. In fact, it can download almost any Android app, so you can even watch movies on it, if you’re so inclined. Savvy Smart Mirror also can be set to control lighting and a thermostat. Earlier models were designed for hotel rooms, but it is now available for homes.

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Somnox Sleep Robot

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Part meditation coach and part teddy bear, this kidney-shaped “robot” is a cuddle-buddy that soothes you to sleep with its mechanical breathing. Somnox snuggles comfortably into your arms at bedtime without straining your neck or shoulders, while its body pulses rhythmically with deep inhalations and smooth exhales. Accelerometers and CO2 sensors help it automatically match your respiration rate, then gradually slow down to coax you into a similar speed—and a state of relaxation. The accompanying app also has settings for waking-anxiety reduction and sweet, sweet naps.

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