Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit

"You might not be a wizard but this coding kit can give you some of the same powers. The Harry Potter Coding kit allows children to accomplish real-world magical feats through the power of coding. You just have to open the box, pull out the pieces, button, and board. By following the simple steps, children can connect the parts, build a wand, and learn how it works. Build a Wand that responds to your movements. Comes with wand parts, PCB with Codeable LED, button, batteries, step-by-step book, stickers, poster, and free Kano app. Tablet not included. Learn to code with 70+ step-by-step creative challenges. Make feathers fly, goblets multiply, fire flow, pumpkins grow, and more. Wave your wand and see instant effects on screen. Create with creatures, sweets, spells, 200+ exclusive sounds, music, and wizarding artefacts. Endless play with Kano world. Remix art, games, and music made by a creative community. No coding experience necessary. Includes Lifetime care and 1 year Warranty. Ages 6+."

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