Smog Free Tower

SMOG FREE PROJECT is a campaign for clean air led by Daan Roosegaarde to reduce air pollution and provide an inspirational experience of a clean future, including a series of urban innovations such as the SMOG FREE TOWER which provide a local solution of clean air in public spaces. It is combined with workshops with governments, students and the clean-tech industry to work together and make a whole city smog free. Recent SMOG FREE PROJECTS campaigns have been launched in South Korea, China, the Netherlands, Mexico, and Poland. Daan Roosegaarde: "We are on a mission for clean air". Winner of the Successful Design Award China, Ethics Ethical Award, Grand Award for Sustainability, BUILD Architecture Awards 2020, Europe 40 Under 40 Awards, Design That Educates Award, Gold Award Design For Asia, Platinum A'Design Award, and German Design Award Excellent Product Design.

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Studio Roosegaarde

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