Phree Electronic Sensor Pen

Claiming to be the world’s first unrestricted write-virtually-anywhere electronic sensor pen, Phree is what you need to jot down your thoughts anytime, anywhere and on almost anything. Whether it’s sketching, annotating or simply writing, it excels in most aspects. So, how does it work? Well, it comes with a 3D optical tracking engine that measures its motion accurately and then sends the digital link to the connected Bluetooth device. Phree’s design is symmetric for writing and fits both left handed and right handed users, so there is no difference between right- and left-handers when Phree is used together with a device screen, like mobile phone, laptop or tablet – its most frequent use. In the less frequent use of Phree with its built in screen, Phree can be placed on the table to operate the screen. Phree supports all major phone, tablet and PC operating systems – Android, iOS, Windows, OSX (Mac), Linux. Phree supports most third party apps on Android, OSX, Windows like Office, OneNote, EverNote, Photoshop, Acrobat, Sketchbook, Google Handwriting Keyboard, Viber, Skitch and more – using the existing interfaces and cursor on the screen

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OTM Tech

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